Immersive gameplay in Rogers Park.

At Chicago RPG, we have a dedicated game space with every amenity a game master or player could want to provide an engaging experience for all.

Gaming Den

Hand-crafted gaming den with a focus on immersive gaming, both through sound, sight, and tabletop gaming accessories.

Flexible Facilities

Highly customizable lighting (brightness/dimness, color, angles, pulsing, audio sync) and fully controllable via app. Connect your laptop to our projector and sound system, and feel the rumble of every footfall from that Cloud Giant you’ve been tracking!

Gameplay Library

Did you forget your gameplay accessories? Use our extensive library of supplies, and if you like it, we’ll let you buy it at a discount.

Why Did The Wizard Bring A Ladder To The Dungeon?

For High-Level Spells And Low-Level Ceilings!

Use code WIZ10 for 10% off our online wares.

Check Out Our Stores


Our retail store is open Tuesday through Friday from 2pm till 8pm and Saturday from 12pm till 8pm.

Are you interested in trying you Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition but haven’t gotten a chance to play, have been waiting for just the right opportunity, or been able to find a group?

Come join us at CRPG for a chance to get to the table with other folks who are diving in to give it a shot.